When you buy you will receive a small HUD to unpack the content. Inside the folder you will find an order note with a link to Google Docs form that you must fill out and send.
When you buy you will receive a small HUD to unpack the content. Inside the folder you will find an order note with a link to Google Docs form that you must fill out and send.
When we receive the order we will deliver the appliers in 24 hours or less!
Select the leg where you want the tattoo:
.- Left Leg
.- Right Leg
.- Left Leg
.- Right Leg
The name must be a maximum of 6 characters (No special characters).
You must choose the mesh body applicator you need, only one:
(Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Legacy, Signature Omega Evolved or also
Standard Tattoo Layer for "Bakes On Mesh").
As usual in Letis Tattoo the tattoo will have 4 intensities (35%, 50%, 75% and 100%)
If you have any questions contact Leti Hax in the world