Odyssey HUD

.- The use of this HUD is simple and intuitive:

.- Each main tattoo has its own arm tattoo combinations, these are in the same tab as the main tattoo.

.- Each arm tattoo has been designed for the main tattoo of the same page, these arm tattoos can not be combined with other main tattoos of other pages.

.- If you want to change from a main tattoo to another main tattoo it is advisable to erase the tattoo completely using the "Clear" button.

.- The tattoos of the legs can be combined with any main tattoo.

.- The system has been tested on multiple avatars to ensure its proper functioning.

Slink Physique and Hourglass
 .- Before you start make sure that the layers of the body tattoos are active with the HUD of the body called "Slink Physique Female Utilities HUD" The layers of tattoo on the hands must also be active with the HUD called "Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands and Feet" HUD Utilities ". These HUDs can be found in the body and hands folder.

.- Apply tattoos with Odyssey Physique HUD

Belleza with Omega Evolved
  .- You must have the latest version of Belleza bodies. Some Belleza bodies of version 5.1 can give Script errors. Please read here for more information on this

.- The Belleza body is compatible with Odyseey Omega Evolved HUD but it is necessary to have the Omega installer for Belleza. You can get it in the Marketplace or in our main store. More info here

.- Remember to activate the tattoo layers with the Belleza HUD called "Universal Belleza HUD"

 .- Apply tattoos with Odyssey Omega Evolved HUD